Three of the famous Doggie Diner heads on display.


发现这些不寻常之处, 不太可能, and all-around unforgettable secret attractions around San Francisco.

你想超越吗 金门大桥码头39恶魔岛 以及其他贝博体彩app标志性建筑? Or are you a returning visitor who's eager to discover something new about the city? International travel writer Ruth Carlson has spent her time uncovering the secrets of San Francisco. Check out some of these locations excerpted from her book, Secret San Francisco: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, and get in touch with the unexpected side of the Bay Area.



Only a tiny sign with an eyeball dangling from it lets you know when you've arrived at the Peephole Cinema. It plays continuous short silent films for anyone willing to look into this hole in the wall.

You can see another early motion picture device, the Mutoscope, at the 比腕力 at 渔人码头.



Gregangelo博物馆 这不是你的传统博物馆. It's a fun house with hidden doors, circus paintings and spinning time capsules. Colorful broken tiles and jewels cover the walls and ceiling of the house. 就好像你进入了一个万花筒. Each of the 27 rooms has a theme: Arabian nights, 一艘宇宙飞船, 海底的浴室, 还有一个粉红色的毛绒动物洞穴, 仅举几个例子.

You're required to relinquish your phone during the tour to ensure that you're fully immersing yourself in this unusual world of art. Tickets start at $75 and there are multiple tours to choose from.

purr - effect茶服务:KitTea猫咖啡馆


It's a very simple concept: drink tea and pet cats for an hour. KitTea猫咪咖啡馆 有一个猫轮, 玩具, 还有供猫玩耍的迷宫, but the cats seem happiest when purring on a human's lap. 除了茶, 你可以报名参加小猫游戏之夜, 包括疯猫小姐游戏, Mewie(电影)晚安, 猫周日早上的卡通片, 或者在“猫咪瑜伽”(Yoga with Cats)达到狂喜.



Created by a team of classically trained musicians, Audium 是“声音雕塑剧场”吗." Visitors sit in complete darkness and are treated to a symphony created from everyday noises like wind gusts, 角, 并低声说, played through 176 speakers hidden in the walls, 天花板, 和地板. It's a surprising and popular way to disconnect in the digital age and let your imagination take hold.



Mannie, Moe, and Jack are fiberglass statues that live in 金门公园 在现在没有汽车的肯尼迪大道上. 建于1948年, these dogs once rotated on poles in front of Doggie Diner, 贝博体彩app和奥克兰的一家热狗连锁店.

当餐馆在1986年关门时, 大约还剩下30个狗头, 其中大部分都被扔掉了. San Francisco resident John Law rescued three of the smiling dogs, who are now enjoying retirement posing for Instagram and occasionally appearing at non-profit events. 

How the Bay was Saved: 的 Bay Model Visitors Center


20世纪50年代, actor John Reber came up with the idea of damming San Francisco Bay to form a series of freshwater lakes. Congress took Reber's plan so seriously that it gave the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers millions of dollars to investigate its feasibility.

的 Army created the Bay Model to simulate the region's watersheds in various conditions. Tests proved that the Reber Plan was a disastrous idea and the bay was saved. 的 Army keeps the Bay Model as a museum and as an educational tool. It now lives in a warehouse that is open to visitors along Sausalito's stunning waterfront.

的 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


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