

With its history dating back to the city's original settlers and its welcoming staff, it's no wonder 任务多洛雷斯 is at the top of any history buff's San Francisco must-see list.

大多数游客前往 任务多洛雷斯 一睹贝博体彩app最古老的建筑, 而那些懂行的人去那里欣赏稀有的艺术品, listen to an acclaimed choir and see one of the most stunning rose gardens 在贝博体彩app. With its history dating back to the city's original settlers and its welcoming staff, it's no wonder 任务多洛雷斯 is at the top of any history buff's San Francisco must-see list.


由方济各会于1776年建立, 该教堂是贝博体彩app现存最古老的建筑. 正式命名为贝博体彩app传教会Asís, 以阿西西的圣弗朗西斯命名, 这个任务以附近的小溪命名为多洛雷斯任务, 阿罗约·德·努埃斯特拉Señora德·洛斯·多洛雷斯. 的 current mission building survived the Mexican War of Independence, 加州淘金热, 还有几次地震, most notably the earthquake of 1906 that destroyed a nearby brick church. Friar (now Saint) Junípero Serra y Ferrer famously officiated while 任务多洛雷斯 was under construction. 的 nearby basilica was finished in 1918 and overshadows the original adobe mission.


该传教会服务于教区居民 卡斯特罗降低海特任务Noe Valley 和上市场社区. 的 staff at 任务多洛雷斯 is extremely proud of its diverse congregation and encourages worshippers of every culture and background to attend mass there. 天主教弥撒也欢迎游客. 


Churchgoers can enjoy the glorious voices of the 教堂唱诗班 every Sunday at the 10 a.m. 弥撒和重要的教堂节日. 的 choir comprises congregants and has traveled on many large world tours. 


Like many Franciscan churches, 任务多洛雷斯 blesses animals annually in honor of its namesake, St. 弗朗西斯,动物的守护神. Visitors and congregants can bring an animal to be blessed after select services.


Many visitors flock to 任务多洛雷斯 to see the gardens and cemetery. 临近任务, the gardens contain the same types of plants as they did in the 18th century. 金门玫瑰协会把玫瑰园赠给了传教会. 协会每周整理一次花园. 的re is also an Indian ethno-botanic garden on the property that contains Native American artifacts and plants.

的 cemetery is one of the few still 在贝博体彩app proper and is the final resting place of a few notable San Franciscans. 估计有5人,000人在教堂里长眠, 墓碑可以追溯到1830年. You’ll find graves of Ohlone and Miwok settlers, as well as the founders of the mission. 路易斯·安东尼奥·阿格洛, Lieutenant Moraga and the Committee of Vigilance victims were all interred here. 


One of the most popular attractions at 任务多洛雷斯 is the secret mural painted by Native Americans in the 18th century. 的 delicate mural has been covered by a reredos (ornamental screens) for centuries to protect it from exposure to light. In 2000, the mural was digitized to allow visitors to get a glimpse of what is called the "best-preserved example of art from the period of first contact with Europeans.”


多洛雷斯教堂位于第16街3321号. 在贝博体彩app. Getting to the mission by bus is very easy; the 22 菲尔莫 bus stops right at the mission. Or take the J Church streetcar to Church Street and walk one block to the mission. 如果你到的话 巴特, you can take it to the 16th and Mission stop, then walk three blocks east down Mission Street. 如果你在开车, you’ll enjoy complimentary parking on the east side of Church Street on the weekends. 进入16街和17街之间. 


At the intersection of five neighborhoods, 任务多洛雷斯 is near plenty of other attractions. 这些都是你不想错过的. 


拉丁美洲艺术文化中心(MCCLA) was established in 1977 by artists and community activists with a shared vision to promote, preserve and develop the Latino cultural arts that reflect the living tradition and experiences of the Chicano, 中南美洲, 和加勒比人. 今天, 它提供许多艺术和文化活动, 比如负担得起的舞蹈课, 工作室录音, printmaking and music for youth and adults exhibits in their gallery reflecting the tradition and experiences of Latino communities.


多洛雷斯教堂公园 is a few minutes' walk from the mission itself and offers some of the best views of the city. 的 park is a meeting point for hundreds of locals every day and is especially popular on sunny weekends.


卡斯特罗剧院 is a popular place to see a classic (or a cheeky new take on one). 它是贝博体彩app著名的地标,于1922年首次开放. It's now one of the few remaining operating "picture palaces" in the country.


号角巷壁画计划(CAMP) was a grassroots project founded by artists in 1992 to revitalize and beautify a neighborhood alley. 游客可以 免费参观整个街区的壁画 或者花5美元参加45分钟的导游.
