A family posing for a photo in front of a San Francisco mural
Umbrella Alley in 渔人码头 is a great place to bring young kids.

14 Toddler-Sized Fun 要做的事情 in San Francisco

On behalf of toddlers everywhere, we offer these San Francisco suggestions.

对于成年人来说,贝博体彩app是一个充满乐趣的城市,但对于孩子们来说,它也是一个伟大的城市. 代表孩子们, here are our picks for guaranteed pint-sized fun in the City by the Bay.


骑了一趟之后 码头39 旋转木马,参观与 海狮 在音乐楼梯上散步(由电影中设计地板钢琴的艺术家创作) Big(汤姆·汉克斯主演) 海湾水族馆. 潮池非常适合幼儿/学龄前儿童,当Tahoe和Baxter游泳时,水獭展览特别令人兴奋. Also highly recommended are the octopus tank and the eelgrass/pipefish tank. 如果有人需要一点安静的时间,re’s a corner in the Sea Lion Center stocked with books, 蜡笔, 和谜题.



位于 金门公园加州科学院 是幼儿的天堂吗, 从光线充足的中庭到位于菲律宾珊瑚礁水箱旁边的儿童鳗鱼花园的儿童大小的开口. 位于一楼, 好奇林是马达加斯加嘶嘶蟑螂和东方箱龟的栖息地. Eye-level tanks make observing these animals easier for wee ones. 孩子们也可以在探索潮汐池里触摸海星, 海胆, 还有水箱里的其他动物.



Perhaps one of the most toddler-friendly museums in the Bay Area, 儿童创意馆 in 耶尔巴布埃纳岛 offers seasonal programs such as Early Childhood S.T.E.A.M研讨会, 以及每周四进行的早期探险家活动和实验,这些活动和实验与每月的主题有关. (Make sure everyone is dressed for a bit of a mess.) 的re are also Bouncy Bears and Mixed Bears musical programs. 它就在莫斯康中心旁边, so if you are visiting with a family member attending a convention, 这是一个方便见面的地方.


医院的员工 当代犹太博物馆 将带幼儿的家庭带到名为Zim 动物园m家庭活动室的永久家庭游乐区. 房间里的大部分元素,尤其是灯箱剧院,都是非常适合幼儿的. 木偶表演经常出现在日程上,通常与犹太新年等特殊节日联系在一起. Drop-in art studios on the first and second Sundays of the month, from 11 a.m. 到3点.m.,提供从泥塑到木偶的经验,可以为小孩子修改.


而 探索 是面向所有年龄段的游客,他们提供的展品特别吸引幼儿. 与颜色, 泡沫, 光与影, 这些装置从幼儿和更小的孩子那里得到了五响的评级. Admission is always free for children ages three and under. 



Covering a little over five percent of San Francisco, 贝博体彩app要塞 百分百对孩子友好吗, 从普雷西迪奥军官俱乐部的手工和艺术工作坊到朱利叶斯·卡恩游乐场, where toddlers exercise on slides and swings.

Be sure to check out the newest addition, 要塞 隧道顶部,非常适合家庭使用! 有14英亩的草坪, 一个两英亩的操场(湾区最大的)和教育体验, this is a great destination for the whole family! 

还有一个 三英里循环 无论你的旅行方式是什么,都可以进入普雷西迪奥的小径, 轮椅或婴儿车. 的 loop showcases the best of the 要塞 and includes portions of six trails. 一路走来, you'll enjoy gentle slopes and firm surfaces, 森林林, 历史建筑和贝博体彩app湾和太平洋的景色(与 金门大桥 (自然地).


Children four and under enter free at the 贝博体彩app植物园. 这片绿洲位于金门公园的中央,这里有捕虫活动和花园工艺品 孩子们的花园. 从4月到10月的豆芽家庭日是免费的,所有游客都可以定期入场. 活动包括给植物浇水, 创造一个疯狂的生物, digging in the dune sandpit or sharing a book in the Living Room. 我们鼓励学龄前儿童和他们的照顾者在花园停下来听故事, 自然探索, 7月和8月. You’re never too young to start growing a green thumb!

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)

贝博体彩app现代艺术博物馆有 大量的建议 和孩子有关的事情. Wander through Richard Serra’s sculpture “Serra,” which one of 唐纳德和多丽丝·费雪费舍尔的儿子们称他为“第四兄弟”,因为他深受费雪一家的喜爱. 亚历山大·考尔德(Alexander Calder)在三楼设计的手机的轻柔动作令人着迷,对于疲惫的孩子来说,这是一种补品. 年轻人也会被约瑟夫·阿尔伯斯(Josef Albers)等艺术家的大胆色彩所吸引, 他小时候看着父亲粉刷门,后来又受到建筑物形状的启发. When it’s time for a snack, Café 5 on Floor 5 is particularly kid-friendly. 



Most any of the day of the week, a branch of the 贝博体彩app公共图书馆 offers “Toddler Tales,” geared to 16 months through age two. 有了书,押韵,音乐等等,30分钟的故事时间通常在晚上10点左右开始.m.

贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园

两个字:小Puffer. Park that stroller and climb aboard this miniature steam train, one of only three 22-inch gauge engines left in the world. 根据历史记载,这个动物园宝藏的起源可以追溯到1904年的路易斯安那州购买博览会. Children under three ride for free when accompanied by an adult. 的 动物园 also boasts a renovated playground with three distinct play areas. 的 River Play section is expressly designed for toddlers up to two years old. And, of course, Children’s 动物园 is one of the most popular areas of the 动物园.


贝博体彩app国际机场 (贝博体彩app)

芝加哥的人们 贝博体彩app 创建了两个 孩子的地方 in Terminals 2 and 3 for tiny travelers to let off steam prior to their flights. Terminal 2’s Kids' Spot is located post-security near Gates 54A and 58B, 以湾区艺术家Walter Kitundu和Charles Sowers的原创作品为特色,作为互动学习和游戏站. 3号航站楼的游乐区位于安检后87A登机口附近,以贝博体彩app探索博物馆的天气元素互动展示为特色.



即使你不住在贝博体彩app湾区,你也应该把这个网站收藏起来 湾区探索博物馆 in 索萨利托. 他们的儿童创造力中心发布了关于儿童友好艺术项目的建议, as well as research on early childhood development. However, if you are in Marin County be sure to visit the Tot Spot & 合计很多, 哪款产品能为42英寸以下的婴幼儿提供多感官体验, or pick up a snack in the Bean Sprouts Café. Stretch those muscles afterward with a visit to the Play Patio, which encourages large-scale construction using wooden building logs.  



Home to more than 700 native and exotic animals, 奥克兰动物园 邀请游客在儿童动物园漫步时跟随动物的足迹. 一路上,看水獭游泳,看看爬进乌龟壳里是什么感觉. 跳过睡莲池,穿过木索桥,去看在阳光下闲逛的狐猴. 一个新的吸引力, 加州小径, includes a four-minute gondola ride up to 的 Landing Café, where the observation deck offers a six-county view!



坐落在奥克兰的山上, 蒂尔登公园 长期以来,这里一直是贝博体彩app湾区家庭的最爱,他们在这里举办生日派对和夏季出游都有美好的回忆. 最受欢迎的包括红木谷铁路蒸汽火车(两辆及以下免费乘坐)。, which offers scenic rides through a redwood grove, 和小农场, which features a variety of farm animals, 包括牛, 山羊, 兔子, 和猪. Before you go, stock up on lettuce or celery to feed the animals.



With sixteen acres of beautiful gardens and miles of surrounding land, Filoli 这里是跑步和玩耍的好地方吗. 这个适合家庭居住的历史遗迹, 自然保护区, and botanical garden is sure to inspire kids of all ages to get curious. 漫步在盛开的鲜花在一个独一无二的英国文艺复兴风格的花园, participate in a hands-on activity in the historic House, 在庄园小径上远足, 停下来在鹌鹑咖啡馆吃午饭, and find year-round experiences for inspiration in every season. 想要更多的家庭乐趣,去菲洛里餐厅 家庭活动指南 and use all five senses as you wander and wonder.



Aaron是Digital的经理 & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. 他经常在贝博体彩app湾区探险,寻找新的、独特的体验和美食!