你的旅游指南 贝博体彩app亚洲艺术博物馆 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
贝博体彩app的博物馆 contain unparalleled collections of art that span centuries and cultures.


Full of artifacts and artworks from multiple cultures across 6,千年历史, 亚洲艺术博物馆是贝博体彩app必去的景点.

也许比西海岸其他任何城市都要多, San Francisco has been shaped by its repeated waves of immigration from Asia. 它是最古老和最大的 唐人街 在乡下, one of the most densely populated Vietnamese-American neighborhoods, 以及庞大的菲律宾人口, 这里仅举几个例子.

Asian culture permeates San Francisco, from our food to our fashion to our architecture and beyond. If you're looking for one place to immerse yourself in the history of these cultures, it's the 亚洲艺术博物馆. Follow our tips to make the most of your experience to this incredible place.



The 亚洲艺术博物馆 holds an exquisite collection of art spanning thousands of years across the whole continent of Asia.

第二层和第三层设有2,000件展品来自博物馆的主要和轮流展览, 让游客有机会体验来自中国的艺术品, 日本, 印度, 韩国, 柬埔寨, 印度, 菲律宾, 喜马拉雅山和东南部的其他文化, 南亚和西亚地区. 

必看作品包括一个3,有5000年历史的青铜犀牛形容器, 中国最古老的佛像, 高丽时代有盖的青瓷水罐, 佛教神辛哈梵陀空行母的漆器雕像, 一座900年代的佛像,描绘的是佛陀战胜了魔罗, 还有一对1,000-year-old 柬埔寨n sculptures of Hindu deities Shiva and Parvati.

客人探索亚洲艺术博物馆的收藏. 资料来源:贝博体彩app旅游协会


The time it takes to view the museum depends on you, but a good rule of thumb is to allow 2.参观整个建筑需要5到3个小时.

Museum staff recommend that visitors start in the permanent collection galleries on the third floor and then head down to collection galleries on the second floor.

Visitors who’d like to view the special temporary exhibits first should go to the first-floor galleries, 从南庭的自动扶梯附近开始.

智能手机用户可以下载 亚洲艺术博物馆由Cuseum应用 for a GPS-enabled, personalized tour of the museum’s masterpieces and architecture. 亚洲艺术博物馆多媒体导览应用程序, 适用于iphone和ipad, 让你提前了解博物馆, and gives detailed gallery maps and specific information about featured artwork.


The 亚洲艺术博物馆 partners with Asian Box to offer a mouthwatering menu of fast-casual, Vietnamese-influenced fare to the museum’s first floor Cafe and second floor Terrace. 

The entire Asian Box menu is 100% gluten-free and locally sourced. 从签名集盒中选择或构建自己的! 选择一种沙拉底, 面条, or rice; add savory proteins like tofu, 虾, 猪肉, 鸡, 大马哈鱼, or steak; and select flavorful toppers and sauces. 素食选择和儿童菜单可供选择, as well as seasonal items inspired by onsite programs and special exhibitions.

Asian Box is open during regular museum hours and is wheelchair accessible. 


The Cha May Ching Museum Boutique is the perfect place to find a souvenir. Visitors can browse the boutique for an array of handcrafted items created by artisans in Asia and more locally across the Bay Area. Choose from apparel, jewelry, ceramics, tableware, and even toys for the young ones.

这家精品店每周四下午1点到8点营业.m. 周五至周一上午10点.m. 至下午五点半.m.



While there are public parking garages within one block of the museum (at 355 McCallister St. 拉金街376号.),我们强烈建议大家服用 公共交通. Hop on BART or Muni Metro from anywhere in San Francisco and exit at Civic Center Station.



周五至周一:上午10点.m. - 5 p.m.




Students (All guests age 13-17 and college students with ID): $14


There will be an additional $15 admission charge for special exhibitions.



The 亚洲艺术博物馆 is welcoming to all visitors, including those with special needs. 允许使用受过训练的服务/治疗动物, and wheelchairs and folding stools are available at Coat Check.

The museum offers assisted listening devices and ASL interpreters for some tours and public programs, but you must contact the ADA Coordinator (415-581-3598) at least two weeks before your visit.

Those with visual impairments may want to ask for a large-print floor plan, 问讯处的放大镜或说话标志接收器.

A visitor explores a special exhibition at the 亚洲艺术博物馆
"Born from the Darkness, A Loving and Beautiful World" by teamLab, part of a special exhibition. 资料来源:亚洲艺术博物馆


On the first Sunday of every month, general admission to the 亚洲艺术博物馆 is free! 这些天很受欢迎, 所以即使没有成本, 我们建议您提前订票.

另外,如果你在下午5点以后参观博物馆.m. 在星期四,你可以节省50%的入场费!



泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers and outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油.