在贝博体彩app来一次绝妙的感恩而死之旅吧 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Grateful Dead House


Celebrate 的 Grateful Dead with this free self-guided tour following in their footsteps


All hippie tour itineraries should include a visit to the epicenter of the Summer of Love. 几乎是城市的完美中心, the intersection of 海特和阿什伯里 Streets was once one of the cheapest parts of town. As San Francisco gained a reputation for acceptance amid the stifling confines of 1950s America, 自由的灵魂涌向海特区, which had been popularized by the media as a haven for disaffected youth. 1967年5月,就在“爱情之夏”来临之前,亨特. Thompson coined the neighborhood's nickname "Hashbury" in "的 New York Times" Magazine, but the portmanteau didn't stick around as long as the residents.

嬉皮 area became known as a mecca for artists and their go-with-the-flow followers. It was not uncommon to run into musicians like the Grateful Dead and Janis Joplin as well as members of psychedelic rock outfits such as Jefferson Airplane and Quicksilver Messenger Service, 他们中的许多人住在相隔几个街区的地方. “在海特闲逛, you’d end up bumping into everyone you wanted to find and — as the song goes — strangers would stop strangers, 只是为了和他们握手,感恩而死乐队的鼓手比尔Kreutzmann说.

的 Grateful Dead House

音乐ians like the Grateful Dead were the heart of the Summer of Love. 该组织最初的成员——杰里·加西亚, Phil Lesh, 鲍勃堰, 比尔Kreutzmann, and Ron "Pigpen" McKernan—lived in the purple Victorian house located at 710 Ashbury St. 1966年到1968年. 原来是寄宿公寓, the rooms mysteriously began to open up just when the band needed to vacate their residence north of the Golden Gate, 他们最终占领了整栋大楼. 离海特-阿什伯里路口只有几个街区, 这所房子是许多恶作剧的场所, 包括1967年臭名昭著的缉毒行动. 的 Dead house gained icon status from this as well as photos of the group taken on its front stoop, 广为流传. 虽然现在是别人的家了, visitors can still pose for photos outside the front gate at the Grateful Dead house and see Deadhead art on the sidewalk outside.


麦克拉伦公园距离海特-阿什伯里以南约20分钟路程, but the drive is worth it because of the close connection to Jerry Garcia. That's because it's next to the Excelsior District, where he grew up. 在这个公园的中央是杰里·加西亚圆形剧场, 那是一个希腊式的户外音乐会场地. 这里也是每年8月举行的杰里日(Jerry Day)的举办地. Jerry Day features performances by tribute bands whose music would make Jerry proud.


Once a military post, the Presidio is now a major part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It has everything from hiking trails and historic buildings to a social club and even 华特迪士尼家庭博物馆. But what's most important to Grateful Dead fans is the fact that Jerry Garcia spent nine months here when he was in the U.S. 1960年的军队. 这个信息可能会让你大吃一惊, but what won't is that he went AWOL several times and was court-martialed as a result.


Continue your tour with one of the places that influenced the Grateful Dead. 的 effect of the 400 Club in Rincon Hill is evident when examining the Dead's fondness for debauchery and songs of the seafaring life. (“码头鼠”,任何人都可以?). 位于第一街400号, the 400 Club was a bar owned by Jerry 加西亚的 parents after their previous establishment, 加西亚的, 关闭. 的 400 Club's proximity to the docks meant it was in a rough-and-tumble joint, 水手们经常光顾. Jerry grew up hanging out with drunken sailors while his parents tended the bar—not your average upbringing, 但话说回来, 没人说过感恩而死乐队的乐队指挥一般.


City Lights' connection to the Grateful Dead dates back to before the band was even together. 在20世纪50年代,“垮掉的一代”声称 北海滩 作为他们的踏足之地, 经常聚集在城市之光书店附近, which published such infamous literature as Allen Ginsberg's extended poem "HOWL." Grateful Dead bass player Phil Lesh mentions frequenting City Lights as a teenager in the early '60s, 就在嬉皮士运动在贝博体彩app爆发之前.

现在, you can find literature about the Grateful Dead and the Summer of Love (as well as many other counterculture and mainstream titles) at City Lights. Grab a tome and hole up inside the store while you reminisce about the Summer of Love more than 50 years on.


布伦达·塔克 is the Director of 艺术 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. 自1998年以来,她一直住在贝博体彩app, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. 布伦达全年都喜欢户外游泳, 受到伦敦金融城令人难以置信的艺术场景的启发, 住在世界上最好的地方.